Dear Parishioners, For those parishioners who don’t usually enter St. Peter Church by way of the front entrance, you may not have seen the recent improvements that have been done by some parishioners who have been quite generous with their time, talent, and treasure. The concrete benches have been pressure-washed, painted, and sealed, and the large concrete planters have been painted as well – a beautiful terra cotta color – so that they stand out, showing the new plants that they contain. Other potted plants and greenery have been added, as well as seasonal wreaths on the front doors. On behalf of the entire parish family, I want to heartily thank this couple who came to me, asked if they could undertake this project, and for following through with some beautiful results. Speaking of the front entrance and particularly the front doors of the church, in the process of painting and planting, the front doors were cleaned, with all the residue of the “scotch” tape removed as best as it could be. The front doors look great now! Therefore, I’m firmly requesting, effective immediately, that any flyer, announcement, or reminder that is posted on the church doors of St. Peter or St. Hubert, NOT be attached with “scotch” tape, and that if this type of tape is used, when the posted item is removed, any remnants of the tape be removed as well. I ask this because we have to remember something very important: our church, our worship space, is a sacred space – inside and outside. All this tape remnants and residue might seem like a trivial and insignificant thing to some, but just look at the church doors at the north, east, and west entrances, and you’ll see years of what’s left after constant postings on the church doors. Compare them to the south doors, the “front” doors of the church, now that they’ve been cleaned, and I hope you’ll see what I mean.