Dear Parishioners;
It is appropriate once again to say, Happy Easter! For some, Easter is one day; not for the Church. For the next seven weeks, we are celebrating Easter. In our Scripture readings for the next seven weeks, we will see the unfolding of the message that Jesus is alive and how the Apostles and the early Church came to understand and believe in the power of Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Today, as we celebrate the octave of Easter, the Second Sunday of Easter, the Church helps us to experience the mercy of our loving God. Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. May we take time today to reflect on the divine mercy of God. The Divine Mercy Novena will conclude today at 3:00 P.M. All parishioners are invited to attend the novena.
There are many people to thank for the beautiful liturgies that we celebrated during the Sacred Triduum. I thank all the parishioners who attended any of the liturgies. I thank the choir and Bob St. Germain, the organist for leading us in prayerful song. Special thanks go out to the altar servers for an excellent job in serving. I received many compliments about the altar servers. Of course, there is a special thanks to Deacon Richard for his dedication and help during the Triduum. Also, thanks go out to the Lectors as well as the Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who volunteered their services for these special liturgies.
Special thanks go to all the Altar Society and volunteers who helped clean the church in preparation for Holy Week. Finally, all those who helped decorate the church for Easter.
Next week, we will take up the Catholic Home Missions Appeal Collection. Right now, over forty percent of dioceses in the United States are considered home missions because there are unable to fund essential pastoral work needed in their communities. Your support of this appeal helps ease the struggle of these dioceses. Please prayerfully consider how you can support this appeal. More information can be found at
St. Peter Parish finally has a website. Check out our new website:
Day of retreat for First Communion Candidates will be on Saturday, April 29th from 9:00 A.M.-11:30 A.M. The retreat will be at school this year because of voting taking place at the Lacour Center.