Dear Parishioners,
As we continue in Ordinary Time, we are challenged to see it as a blessed opportunity to share and witness to others through the daily events of life. We are to be light for others—illuminating the way, and salt for others—giving flavor to their lives: drawing them closer to God through the witness of our lives.
Congratulations to Stephen Guidry, this year’s St. Peter School Alumni of the year. Stephen is a 1974 graduate of St. Peter School. His dedication and commitment to St. Peter School and Church Parish remains strong. Congratulations Stephen for being salt and light to others.
St. Peter’s Annual Alumni Reunion and Msgr. Eyraud Mass will be celebrated today, February 5, 2017 at the 11:00 A.M. Mass. After Mass, we will process to Monsignor’s tomb and say a few prayers. Today marks the 49th anniversary of Msgr. Eyraud’s death. May he continue to intercede for us.
The second collection this weekend is for St. Peter School. The money collected will go directly to St. Peter School. I ask for your generosity.
Registration for returning and new students of St. Peter School has begun. Come and explore the faith-filled family atmosphere of St. Peter School. Guided tours of the campus are available. Our school is ALWAYS open.
In case you haven’t heard, St. Peter School will be accepting students as early as 18 months. For more information, please contact the school office at 985-536-4296 or visit the school’s website at
Have a Blessed Week!
–Fr. John