Today, on this Second Sunday of Easter, we also celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. Pope Francis, as he preached his first homily as the Pope said, “Mercy is the Lord’s most powerful message…It is not easy to trust oneself to the mercy of God, because God’s mercy is an unfathomable abyss—but we must do it.” Pope Francis continued, “He has the ability to forget, which is special: He forgives our sins, He kisses you, He embraces you, and He says to you, ’Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on, sin no more.’ Only that counsel does He give you.”
The second collection this weekend is for the Building Maintenance Fund.
A very special thank you to Angie Robertson, Guy Landry, and Gerald Marse, who helped me with the decorations for Easter. It is truly a work of art! I had many, many compliments from parishioners as well as non-parishioners who commented on the beauty of the church decorations.
Also thank you to the choir for their singing during the Paschal Triduum. They had to adjust to two different musicians for Holy Week and they did a great job. Once again, many people were complementary on the beautiful Liturgies for Holy Week. It was truly a worthwhile experience. For me as a priest, the Triduum Liturgies are the most powerful expressions of our Catholic Christian Faith.