Today, is the last Sunday in Ordinary Time and we celebrate it with the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Leaders of nations come and go. The world mourned the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and the end of her seventy-year reign. Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, is ruler over all people both now and forever. The idea to celebrate this feast was born out of a growing nationalism and secularism one hundred years ago. The world had just lived through the horrors of four years of war unprecedented in its spread over the whole world. This led to Pope Pius IX instituting the feast of Christ the King in 1925. Today we recognize Christ’s preeminence and pray for the day when peace and goodwill forever overcome war and aggression.
The second collection this weekend is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. The motto of CCHD is “a hand up - not a hand out!”
Thursday, November 24 th is THANKSGIVING Day. I invite you and your families to join me on this day for Mass at 8:00 A.M.
St. Peter School will be participation in the iGive Campaign this year. It is scheduled for November 29th. More information is available in the bulletin.
The second collection next weekend will be for the new air conditioning unit.