For the past several months, Father Marse has asked for volunteers to take over the leadership of the Ladies Altar Society. Unfortunately, these efforts were unsuccessful. The Ladies Altar Society is still an important ministry of St. Peter Parish. Monies collected and members help to maintain the sanctuary and some other areas of the interior of the church. So, this organization is being re-structured. Dues ($10) will still be collected and one or two of the regular fundraisers will still occur. This will provide income to continue to fund projects like purchasing flowers for special occasions, altar and cleaning supplies. A committee of three will meet three or four times a year in order to maintain the business of this organization. There will be no general membership meetings or other activities— except the scheduled cleaning of the church. If you want to be a part of this ministry, dues of $10 can be put in the collection basket at Mass or brought to the rectory. Please contact Father Marse if you would like to be part of the leadership committee of this important ministry.