Jesus assures us in the Gospel that God will continue to dwell within us, and the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of what He taught. This is good news for us because it means we are not making this Christian journey alone. We are promised by Jesus that the Holy Spirit will continue to enlighten us. Jesus leave the disciples and us one more thing—peace. Peace to keep their hearts from being troubled. Peace to protect them from fear. Peace to stay with them forever. On this Memorial Day weekend, let us reflect on the peace that only God can provide.
The second collection this weekend is for the church roof. I ask for your generosity.
On behalf of my brothers and extended family members, I would like to thank YOU, the parishioners of St. Peter for your loving support, comfort, and prayer on the death of our mother, Doris Vicknair Marse. Your loving care and support are greatly appreciated.
It is hard to believe that summer vacation has started. School is out for the summer vacation. Please look in the bulletin or the website for the rectory summer hours.
This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day—a day in which we remember and honor the men and women of the military who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. If we are off from work or school, let us remember why today is a holiday. Let us continue to pray for the safety of all men and women who are currently serving our country as members of the United States Armed Forces.
The second collection next weekend will be for the Building Maintenance Fund.