Pope Francis has designated today, November 17 as World Day for the Poor. In this year’s message, Pope Francis reflects on Psalm 9:9, “The hope of the poor will not perish forever.” The Holy Father considers the suffering of people who experience poverty, noting that they maintain hope in the Lord in a very real way because he assures them of his faithfulness. Pope Francis challenges us to be authentic witnesses of Christian hope and to accompany the poor through a personal and constant commitment over time.
Our food drive is going well. Let us be mindful as Thanksgiving Day approaches to help the poor within our community. God will bless us for our endeavors.
The second collection today is for the Church Roof.
Next week, the second collection will support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. More than 46 million people in the United States live in poverty today. This collection supports programs that empower people to identify and address obstacles as they work to make permanent and positive changes for their communities. Learn more about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at www.usccb.org/chd/collection.