In the third line of the second reading this weekend, St. Paul says that “there are different forms of service but the same Lord.” We all know that people have different abilities, talents, and skills, and these can make up our service as the baptized, the people of God, the parishioners of our worshipping community. Certain abilities, talents, and skills of ours are certainly needed at the celebration of Mass, especially on the weekend and on holydays of obligation. The five major ministries – ways to be of service – at Mass are lectors, extraordinary ministers of Communion, vocal and instrumental musicians, altar servers, and ministers of hospitality/ushers. As we have begun a new liturgical year, and more recently, a new calendar year, and I’m still the new pastor, I would like to talk about more parishioner participation in these ministries. If reading in front of a group at Mass from the ambo appeals to you, then perhaps you may be called to be a lector. If distributing the Eucharist at Mass as you see other parishioners do, then perhaps you may be called to be a Eucharistic minister. If you can play the piano, have a strong solo voice, or would like to be part of a choir, perhaps you may be called to be part of the music at Masses. If you would like to be an altar server, no matter what your age, and to serve at Mass, especially when the school-age servers are literally in school, then perhaps you may be called to serving at Mass. If you would like to help with taking up the collection, recruiting gift bearers at the offertory, or welcoming parishioners as they enter the church, then you may be called to be a hospitality minister. Again, “different forms of service but the same Lord.” I am simply “planting seeds” right now. Hopefully, more parishioner interest in these ministries may take root and begin to grow. Please talk to me about your interest if you feel the Holy Spirit is calling you to use your gifts.