For the past several weeks, we have been listening to the living word of God, which has asked much of all of us. Today, the Lord Jesus ask that whoever among us wishes to be first should become the servant of all. In a society where being in first place is espoused as a great value, this teaching seems difficult to embrace. We pray that, as we reflect on today’s word, we will be strengthened in our resolve to become servants of others.
The St. Peter School Fest will be on Sunday, October 24th from 11:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M. There will be food, music, and activities. Come out and support the major school fundraising event of the year. Please refer to the school or church’s website for further information.
First Reconciliation Parent Seminar will be on Monday, October 25 th at 7:00 P.M. in church. At least one parent/guardian of children receiving First Reconciliation needs to attend the meeting. The meeting will last approximately one (1) hour. Monday,
November 1st is the Solemnity of ALL SAINTS. This year, since it falls on a Monday, All Saints will not be a holy day of obligation. There will be a special Mass at 10:00 A.M. with the Blessing of the Cemetery immediately following the Mass. We will remember all those who have died since last All Saints. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.