Dear Parishioners;
Our Scripture readings for this 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time continue to be rich in imagery about God: what God is like, what God does for us, and how God invites us. The images are ancient, but they speak to those of us with these questions: Why are we here? What do we seek from God? What are our beliefs? What do we have in common with our ancestors? What does it mean to be called? As we listen to the Scripture readings today at Mass, there are wonderful questions to challenge us as well as answers to deepen our faith.
The special second collection this weekend is for the Church roof. I ask for your continued generosity.
Don’t forget to turn in your recipes so that they can be included in the St. Peter School cook-book. All recipes must be turned in by Monday, October 16th.
There will be a First Reconciliation Parent Meeting on Monday, October 16th at 7:00 P.M. in church. At least one parent/guardian of children preparing for First Reconciliation needs to attend the meeting.
On Tuesday, October 17th, Holy Hour for Phase I and II Confirmation candidates will be held in the day chapel, beginning at 6:00 P.M. and ending at 7:00 P.M. All students attending Catholic, public, or private high schools in Phase I and II need to be present for the Holy Hour.
Next weekend is St. Peter’s Fishermen’s Festival. The activities begin on Friday, October 20th and conclude on Sunday, October 22nd. Come on out and pass yourself an enjoyable time! Visit St. Peter School’s website at for further information or call the school office at 985-536-4296.
World Mission Sunday is next Sunday. October 22nd. The theme this year is “Mission at the heart of the Christian Faith.” In reflecting on Mission Sunday, Pope Francis said, “World Mission Day gathers us around the person of Jesus, ‘the very first and greatest evangelizer,’ who continually sends us forth to proclaim the Gospel of the love of God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. . . The Church is missionary by nature; otherwise, she would no longer be the church of Christ.” There will be a second collection next weekend for World Mission Sunday.
Have a Blessed Week!