Today we hear Jesus tell the story of a king who invites everyone he can find to a feast for his son. Today and every Sunday everyone is invited here to a feast where we receive God’s Son. Many Sundays we take this invitation for granted or see it only as an obligation. Let this be an opportunity to be reminded that the Eucharist is a feast, that God’s son offers Himself for us each time, and that this is just a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come.
Our high school Confirmation candidates will participate in the Rite of Election/Naming today at the 11:00 A.M. Mass. They will also be on retreat today. Please keep these young people as well as the five adults who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday, November 6 th .
Next weekend, October 21 st and 22 nd , we will celebrate WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. Pope Francis invites the entire Church to support mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious sisters and brothers, and lay leaders serve the world’s most vulnerable communities.
The second collection next weekend will be for World Mission Sunday.