We come together today to give praise and glory to God in a spirit of gratitude. We are grateful to God for the gift of faith that blossoms within us and for God’s healing presence in each one of us and in the world, which makes us whole again. During the pandemic there have been times when collectively or individually we have not been able to gather. Our Scripture Readings invite us to reflect on our gratitude for what God has done for us, particularly through Christ. It begins with acknowledging that it is the Lord who has acted on our behalf. Take a few moments during this week and ask yourself, “what am I grateful for?” Then thank God for the gift of gratitude.
On October 16th Confirmation candidates from St. Peter and St. Hubert Parishes will celebrate the Rite of Election, their formal declaration that they wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, receiving the last Sacrament of Initiation. The Rite of Election will take place at the 11:00 A.M. Mass. The Confirmation candidates will also participate in a Day of Retreat on Sunday, October 16th. I ask that you keep the Confirmation candidates in your prayers.
Please mark your calendars for the St. Peter School Fest on Saturday, October 22nd. There will be lots of fun activities, Bands, food, etc. Come out and support the St. Peter School Fest.
The special second collection next weekend, October 15th -16th will be for the new air conditioning unit.