Dear Parishioners;
By God’s grace, modern medicine and science have made great strides in helping people deal with anxiety. Today, we are encouraged to know that being grounded in a good prayer life also goes a long way toward lessening the anxieties that disrupt the quiet of our hearts.
Today’s readings offer us two different perspectives. The first reading and the Gospel issue stern warnings to those who are not acting justly as God commands. The second reading emphasizes the positive side, calling us to focus our attention on “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious.”
The second collection today is for the victims of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. I ask for your generosity.
October is the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother and the Rosary. We have two opportunities to come together to pray the Rosary as a community. On Saturday, October 14th at 12 Noon, the Rosary will be prayed in the parking lot. This is sponsored by the America Needs Fatima organization. The second opportunity is the annual Rosary Procession that will be on Sunday, October 15th immediately following the 8:00 A.M. Mass. If you are unable to join in the procession, the Rosary will be prayed in church while the procession is going on outside.
Next weekend, October 14th and 15th, will be the second collection for the Church Roof. I ask for your generosity.
Remember to turn in your recipes to St. Peter School for the new cook book. All recipes are due by October 16th.
Have a Blessed Week.