For the next three weeks, our Scripture readings share some commonality: The Gospels contain parables as well as the continuous reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Today, in the Gospel, we hear the parable of the two sons sent out to work in the vineyard. One son goes to work, while the other son says he will, but he does not. The message: we will be judged not on our words, but on our actions.
The second collection today is for the Church roof.
October 4 th is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Traditionally on that date or near it, the Blessings of Pets takes place. St. Peter will have the Blessing of Pets on Sunday, October 4 th at 10:00 A.M. The blessing will take place near the Veterans’ Flagpole.
The second collection next weekend will be for the Building Maintenance Fund.
It’s that time of the year for the annual pressure washing of the mausoleums. I ask that if you have any flower arrangements in the mausoleums, please remove them before October 1 st . Pressure washing will begin in the month of October in preparation for All Saints.