Today, we celebrate FAMILY DAY. Please join me for St. Peter’s Family Day activities this Sunday, September 22nd . The theme this year is “The Mission of Family: Love is Possible.” Our activities begin following the 11:00 A.M. Mass in the rear parking lot area of the church. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, fries and drinks will be served. Please bring your favorite dessert to share with your St. Peter Parish Family. Music will be by Roy Amedee and Friends. There will be prizes as well as kids activities. Come on out and be a part of St. Peter’s Family Day Celebration.
The Priests’ Convocation is this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, September 24-25-26, 2019. All priests of the Archdiocese are required to attend. Deacon Richard will lead a Liturgy of the Word and Communion Service on Wednesday and Thursday.
The second collection next weekend, will be for the Church Roof.
The Blessing of Pets will take place on Saturday, October 5th at 10:30 A.M., in the rear of the church parking lot, close to the Flag Pole. It’s a great opportunity as we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi to ask God’s blessings upon our pets.
St. Peter School Fest will be on Saturday, October 5th. Please see the bulletin or the website for further information.