Dear Parishioners;
Today, we are taking up the collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). Your support helps the CCC connect people to Christ, here and around the world, through the internet, television, radio, and print media. Half of the funds we collect remains in the Archdiocese of New Orleans to support local efforts. Be a part of this campaign to spread the gospel message and support the collection today! To learn more, visit
The annual Priests Convocation and State Priests Convention will be from Tuesday, September 19th through Thursday, September 21st. All priests of the Archdiocese are required to attend. There will be no Mass on Wednesday, September 20th and Thursday, September 21st. On those days, Deacon Richard will conduct a Liturgy of the Word Service with Holy Communion.
Next weekend, September 23rd and 24th will be the special second collection for the church roof.
The Phase III Confirmation candidates will have the Rite of Election/Naming on Sunday, September 24th at the 11:00 A.M. All Phase III Confirmation candidates, sponsors and parents needs to be at the Mass. If a sponsor can’t be at Mass, then a proxy can stand in for the sponsor. They proxy may be a parent for the Rite of Election.
Have a Blessed Week!