The Lent food drive for the St. John Ministry of Care kicks off on March 1st and continues through Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, March 24. The idea is to donate, during Lent ~ non-perishable food items. Items of need include: Fruit in the can or boxed containers, canned beans, meat, soup, spaghetti sauce, cereal, pasta, cake, pancake mix, muffin mix, pancake syrup & sugar. This can be placed in the food box that is located in the church day chapel. Please keep up the good work of ALMSGIVING during this time of anticipation of Christ’s death and resurrection. Your service and sacrifice help replenish St. John Ministry of Care food pantry that serves the community of St. John the Baptist parish. SJMOC is located 2807 Hwy 51, LaPlace, LA 70068