The Scripture readings on this Sixth Sunday of Easter mark a turn in the celebration of the Easter Season. We begin to focus on the promise of the Holy Spirit. In the selection from Acts, after the people of Samaria are baptized “in the name of Jesus” and accept the word of God, apostles are sent to pray over them so they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Three elements are indicated as necessary for living lives of faith: hearing and accepting the word of God; baptism with water; and the prayer of the Holy Spirit.
It’s hard to believe that we have come to the end of another school year. Friday, May 26th is the last day of school for St. Peter School students. The weekly school Mass will be moved to Friday this week. Mass will be at 9:30 A.M. I invite all parishioners to attend the Mass.
As one school year ends, preparations are well underway for the beginning of the next school year. I am happy to report that Mrs. Marie Comeaux will return as principal. Under her leadership, there has been several improvements to the school. One of the biggest improvements has been an upswing in out standardized testing scores. For the second consecutive year, our standardized test scores have increased by approximately twenty (20) points, a 110% increase over the past two years. Our administration, faculty, staff, and students work hard—the results have shown in the higher test scores. St. Peter School truly continues to shine bright and be a leader in providing quality Catholic education at an affordable price.
Next weekend, the
special second collection will be for the Church roof. I ask for your continued generosity.
In observance of the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima to three children, we will have our
Rosary Procession on Sunday, May 28thimmediately following the 8:00 A.M. Mass. For those unable to participate in the procession, the rosary will be prayed in church.