Dear Parishioners, In my bulletin article two weeks ago I spoke briefly about parishioner involvement in liturgical ministries at Masses. Next week’s Gospel relates the calling of Peter, Andrew, James and John by Jesus, from being fulltime professional fishermen to His full-time followers. Perfection and experience were not required of these men for the roles Jesus wanted them to fulfill as Apostles, and neither are perfection and experience required of those who share their talents, gifts, and abilities in the parish setting. If you are reading this church bulletin, that is a sign that you have an interest in our church parish family/community and may have the desire/wish/inclination to see if and where Jesus is calling you to give/use your talents and abilities for the good of your St. Peter parish brothers and sisters. Among our Mass-goers, there are those who would be effective lectors/readers, as well as those who would be effective choir members, instrumentalists, and/or song leaders/cantors, as well as those who would be good Eucharistic ministers, those who would be effective hospitality ministers/ushers/collection personnel, and those would be good servers, both children and adult servers as needed. As you hear the Gospel next week of the call of the two sets of brothers, think about your own personal abilities/talents/gifts and the call of Jesus. Parishioner participation in parish life has many more possibilities than the ones I just talked about earlier and are not just limited to participation at Masses, but have many forms in parish life, from being “behind-the-scenes” to being “in-front-of-the camera,” so to speak. Yet to make our Eucharistic celebrations the best that they can be for us to better experience Jesus, our faith, and our unity as a parish family, the Mass is the best and most appropriate place to start. So, evaluate your talents/abilities/gifts, don’t be afraid to use them if applicable for our parish, consult me with your questions and/or ideas, and like the 12 Apostles, see that we should not be afraid to respond if we hear Jesus’ voice in our hearts calling us to continue building up His Body in our parish community, our spiritual home. Again, perfection and worthiness are not required – just a faithfilled heart.