Dear Parishioners
Today’s Gospel tells of Jesus taking Peter, James, and John up a mountain where He was transfigured before them. Similarly, Jesus invites each of us into a deep relationship of love with Him so that He may change and transfigure our lives and hearts. Let us accept this invitation each day so we may lead more Christ-like lives of love and service.
We welcome to our parish, Father Christopher “Chris” Krymski, O.S.M., who will lead our Lenten Mission this year. The theme is “HEALING MERCY DURING LENT 2017.” Fr. Chris is a certified art therapist as well as the National Director of the St. Peregrine Shrine in Chicago, Illinois.
The Mission will begin Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week, beginning at 7:00 P.M. I invite you to the Mission and ask that you bring a friend who needs to experience the Lord’s Healing Mercy in their lives.
Deacon Richard and Diane Abbondante will be offering a course to deepen our Catholic Faith. It is called Symbolon. Deacon Richard will speak about it this weekend after all Masses. I do encourage you to attend. This is open to all, both young and old, who want to know more about their Catholic Faith. Please sign-up this weekend after Mass.
I invite all married and engaged couples to a special Way of the Cross on Saturday, March 25th at 6:30 P.M. This special Way of the Cross will be led by Deacon Richard Abbondante and his wife, Diane. More information will be forthcoming.
Have a Blessed Week!
–Fr. John