Thank you for your support of The Catholic Relief Services Collection and for helping Jesus in disguise. Your contributions will make a difference for the poor and marginalized around the world.
A reminder that the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will once again be heard in all Catholic Churches Wednesday, April 5th from 5:00 P.M. -6:30 P.M.
St. Peter’s All-Star Players Drama club will present its annual school play on Saturday, April 8th and Sunday, April 9th. For details please see the flyer or call the school office.
Congratulations to the 2017 St. Peter School Spring Pageantry Couples. They raised a total of $61,308. 23. Thanks to all their parents for their hard work and dedication in raising these funds as well as to the families, faculty, and community in supporting the various events held in support of their efforts. This year the Spring Pageant will be held at St. Peter School on Saturday, April 29th.
I would also like to congratulate Ms. Mary Kay Vicknair, our Youth Minster as the recipient of the St. Louis Medallion for St. Peter Parish. Mary Kay has been the Youth Minister for St. Peter Parish for many years.
Holy Week is upon us. If you have any palm fronds to donate for the Palm Sunday Liturgy, please bring them to the church by Wednesday, April 5th. The Blessing of Palms will take place before all Masses on Palm Sunday., under the portico-weather permitting.
Have a Blessed Lenten Week!
–Fr. John