Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, traditionally called Corpus Christi. In the most recent revision of our liturgical rites, the name for this day is expanded to be a more complete reflection of our Eucharistic theology. We are a Eucharistic people, receiving sustenance from the Body and Blood of our Lord in the Eucharist so that we may be sent out as disciples, manifesting the Real Presence of Jesus in our lives as we build up the Body of Christ—the Church.
The second collection today is for the Building Maintenance Fund.
The monthly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be on Wednesday, June 5th . Adoration begins at 1:00 P.M. and concludes with Benediction at 6:00 P.M. I invite and encourage all parishioners to spend some time in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord.
There will be a special collection the weekend of June 8th -9 th for a new air conditioner. The outside unit near the cry room was replaced a few years ago. Now, it’s time to replace the inside unit. The cost is approximately $30,000. Once we have reached $15,000, we will order the unit. I ask for your support with purchasing this new unit. The summer months are getting hotter, and we need all a/c’s to be in tiptop shape to cool off the church.