Dear Parishioners;
Welcome to all Alumni of St. Peter Catholic School. The annual Alumni Day and Msgr. Eyraud Mass is today, beginning with the 11:00 A.M. Mass. Following the Mass, we will process to the tomb of Msgr. Eyraud, asking for his continued blessings upon our school and church families. Then we will proceed to St. Peter School for chicken and andouille gumbo. It is also a time for class mates to gather and share stories about their days at St. Peter School.
Looking back on my experience of St. Peter School, I can’t believe that it is already fifty (50) years since I graduated from St. Peter School.
Congratulations and Best wishes to the two distinguished graduates of St. Peter School who will be honored today:
Jane Brady Clement, class of 1980 and
Lennen Madere, class of 1978. Thank you, jane and Lennen for your continued love, support, and care of St. Peter School.
The second collection this weekend is for St. Peter School. I ask for your continued generosity. Monday, February 5
th is the fiftieth (50
th) anniversary of the death of our beloved pastor, Monsignor Jean M. Eyraud. May Msgr. Eyraud continue to intercede for us.
Wednesday, February 7
th is our monthly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration begins at 1:00 P.M. and concludes with Benediction at 6:00 P.M.
The season of Lent is approaching. Wednesday, February 14 is Ash Wednesday. Mass with distribution of Ashes will be at 6:30 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. A Liturgy of the Word Service with distribution of Ashes will be at 12:10 P.M. Please consult the bulletin for the Lenten schedule.
Have a Blessed Week!