HAPPY EASTER! I know this is not the celebration of Easter we are accustomed to celebrating. For many of us, we gather during the Sacred Triduum to celebrate the beautiful Liturgies of the Church. It is also a time of celebrating with family and friends. However, this year, we will not be able to do that because of COVID-19, the coronavirus.
During this pandemic, many of us are afraid. Many are wondering when will things get back to “normal.” These are natural reactions to what is going on in the world. However, we must listen to the angel’s message to Mary Magdalene as she and the other Mary went to the tomb of Jesus. The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid!”(Matthew 28: 5).
In the midst of this world’s crisis, we are called to listen to the angel’s message: “Do Not Be Afraid!” God is with us not only in good times, but also in these challenging times. We must rely on our faith to help us through this pandemic.
I pray that in spite of the limitations that are placed on us, that we celebrate the joy of this Easter day and remember, “Christ Has Died, Christ is Risen, and Christ will Come Again.”
Because of the stay at home policy going through April 30th, the celebration of First Communion will be postponed. I have tenatively scheduled First Communion for Sunday, May 17, 2020 at the 11:00 A.M. Mass. More information will be given next week about retreat, and practice.
My prayers are with you as we celebrate the greatest treasure of our Faith—the Resurrection of Jesus. May your family celebration be filled with God’s blessings and joy!