Today, as a Church, we conclude the Liturgical Year and celebrate it with “The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.” The Gospel for this Sunday shows the great mystery of our faith: In the moment of His crucifixion, Jesus is shown to be King and Savior of all.
The second collection today supports the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. More than 46 million people, approximately one in six people, live in poverty in the United States. Through this collection, you support programs that address the causes of poverty and provide a sustainable future for people across the U.S. who struggle. In addition, 25% of the funds collected will remain in the Archdiocese of New Orleans to fund local antipoverty projects.
St. Peter School is participating in the IGive Catholic Campaign. It is hoped that enough money will be donated so that the computer lab can be upgraded. Please help us fulfill our goal of upgrading the computer lab at St. Peter School.
Thursday, November 28 th is THANKSGIVING DAY. Please join me in giving thanks to God at the 8:00 A.M. Mass on Thanksgiving Day. Remember that there will not be a 6:30 A.M. Mass on Thanksgiving Day—only the 8:00 A.M. Mass