Today, we celebrate a second solemnity during this period of Ordinary Time. We celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This feast was once called Corpus Christi, which is Latin for “Body and Blood of Christ. In the revised Lectionary, the name for this day is expanded to reflect more completely our Eucharistic theology.
The Gospel today is taken from the sixth chapter of Saint John’s Gospel. Chapter Six is known as the “Discourse on the Bread of Life,” in which Jesus says that when we “eat His flesh and drink His blood, we will remain forever connected to Him. These are difficult words, but they are important because they seek to show us our intimate connection with Jesus. This is the mystery that is at the heart of our Eucharistic theology. In the elements of bread and wine, Jesus’ Body and Blood are truly present. When we share in the Body and Blood of Christ, Jesus Himself comes to dwell within us. This communion with the Lord makes us one body, brings us eternal life, and sends us forth to be Christ’s Body in the world.
On the tables at all the entrances of Church is a booklet called “Eucharist.” It is a daily reflection on the Eucharist. I encourage all of us to take a copy home and reflect on the greatest gift that we have— the gift of the Eucharist.
Don’t forget about Msgr. Eyraud’s Knights of Columbus monthly dinner available today at the KC Home. Desserts, made by the Ladies Auxiliary, will also be available for purchase.
Next weekend, June 17th and 18th will be the annual Father’s Day Bake Sale. Bring Dad a delicious goodie.