HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of our Moms. May your special day be filled with God’s blessings as we, your children, honor you on this your special day. Of course, we should always pay respect, love, and honor to our mothers, not only on Mother’s Day, but every day. I will remember all mothers, living and deceased, at every Mass this weekend. There will be a special blessing for all mothers on this day as well.
Treat Mom to some dessert baked by the members of our youth group. The annual Mother’s Day Bake Sale will take place after all the Masses this weekend.
The second collection next weekend, May 18th -19th, is for the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa.
The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage will be from July 17th through July 21st . The pilgrims will stop in New Orleans from June 7th through June 9th. Please see our website for further information on the New Orleans tour.
Have a Blessed Easter Week and Happy Mother’s Day!