HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of our Moms. May your special day be filled with God’s blessings, as we, your children honor you on this day. At the end of Mass, there will be a special blessing prayed over all mothers.
Treat Mom to some dessert baked by the youth group. The annual Mother’s Day Bake Sale has resumed. Baked goodies will be available for sale at all weekend Masses.
On this Fourth Sunday of Easter which is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday, a special second collection is being taken in all church parishes of the Archdiocese of New Orleans this weekend to help support the medical and retirement needs of our retired diocesan priests.
Many people have asked when will the repairs to the church, school, and Lacour Center begin from Hurricane Ida? The short answer is “I do not know.” All repairs to all properties in the Archdiocese of New Orleans is being handled by the Archdiocese. I know it is frustrating. We are three weeks away from the start of the 2022 hurricane season. At least parish activities can still go on. There are some parishes that have very limited services. Let us pray that the repairs will begin soon and that we are spared any damage to life and property in the upcoming hurricane season.
Have a Blessed Easter Week and HAPPY MOTHER’S Day to all mothers.