Dear Parishioners;
We begin the Third Week of Lent this weekend. All four Gospels tell of Jesus expelling the merchants and money-changers from the temple. Each evangelist writes from his own perspective and purpose. Today’s telling is from John’s Gospel and he has his own approach to this dramatic scene.
second collection this weekend is for the
Building-Maintenance Fund. I ask for your generosity in this collection as our buildings are getting older, they need more attention and repair-maintenance.
Our monthly Adoration will be this Wednesday, March 7
th. Adoration begins at 1:00 P.M. and concludes with Benediction at 6:00 P.M.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will be heard in every Catholic church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans for the next three Wednesdays from
5:00 P.M. -6:30 P.M. As Archbishop Aymond says in his letter, “The heart of Jesus is open, and he invites you to know and accept is mercy.”
Next weekend, our parish will take up
The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support the displaced refugees, and bring Christ’s love and mercy to all people here at home and abroad. Next week, please give generously to the CRSC, and
help Jesus in disguise. Learn more about the collection at Please see the bulletin insert about a new adventure happening in the St. John-St. Charles Deanery, beginning on March 6
th. It is called
Alpha. It begins on Tuesday, March 6
th at Ascension of Our Lord School library. This program is sponsored by St. Peter, Ascension of Our Lord, and St. Joan of Arc.
Have a Blessed Week!