Today, the Third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday. The word “Gaudete” means rejoice. On this day we rejoice with all the earth in anticipation and preparation for Jesus’ birth and the coming of His kingdom. We, like John the Baptist, are blessed and included in the kingdom of heaven, not because of what we do but what Jesus did for us.
Senior religious Sisters, Brothers, and religious order priests have devoted their lives to prayer, service, and works of mercy. Most ministered for little or no pay. Today, their religious communities do not have enough retirement savings. Your gift to today’s Retirement Fund for Religious collection helps furnish medications, nursing care, and other necessities.
The second collection today is for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Please give generously.
I invite everyone to the Advent/Christmas Morning of Reflection on Saturday, December 17 th from 9:00 A.M.-12 Noon. The theme is The O Antiphons: 7 Jewels of the Pre-Christmas Liturgies. Our presenter is Sister Judy Gomila, M.S.C. It is free so come on out and be a part of the Advent/Christmas preparation.
The Christmas and New Year’s Mass schedule is in the bulletin. Please keep the flyer in a handy place.
The second collection next weekend will be for the Christmas flowers.
Have a Blessed Advent Week!