Today, on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is known as Sunday of the Word of God. This is an annual observance aimed at helping us grow in a deeper appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures. The General Instructions of the Roman Missal states, “When the Sacred Scriptures are read in Church, God Himself speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His word, proclaims the Gospel” (GIRM, # 29). The words of Sacred Scripture are unlike any other texts we will ever hear—for they not only give us information, but also, they are the vehicle God uses to reveal Himself to us, the means by which we come to know the depth of God’s love for us, and the responsibilities entailed by being Christ’s followers, members of His Body. I urge you to take time to prayerfully read the Greatest Love Story of all time—the Sacred Word of God as found in the Bible.
First Reconciliation will be celebrated with our second graders on Saturday, January 29, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. in St. Peter Church. Please keep them in your prayers as they experience God’s loving, mercy, and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).
The second collection next week, January 29 th and 30th will be for the Champions of Catholic Education tuition fund. This fund will aid families that cannot afford the full cost of Catholic School tuitions and those experiencing financial difficulties due to Hurricane Ida and COVID-19. Your financial support is appreciated.