Today is WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We celebrate this day by remembering our baptismal call—to bring the Gospel to all! Annually, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on the next to last Sunday in October. As described by Saint Pope John-Paul, II, World Mission Sunday is “an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration for all the missions of the world” (Redemptoris Mission, 81).
The second collection today will be for WORLD MISSION SUNDAY.
Remember today, Sunday, October 24th is ST. PETER SCHOOL FEST. Please come out and “pass yourself a good time” at the school fest. There will be food, music, and other activities, including a Trunk-nTreat. The fest begins at 11:00 A.M. and ends at 9:00 P.M.
First Reconciliation Parent Seminar will be on Monday, October 25 th at 7:00 P.M. in church. At least one parent/guardian of children preparing to receive First Reconciliation needs to attend the meeting. The meeting will last one (1) hour.
The Msgr. Eyraud Knights of Columbus Council 2436 is sponsoring the All-Saints Gumbo on Sunday, October 31st . Please see the flyer in today’s bulletin for further information.
Monday, November 1 st is the Solemnity of All Saints. This year, since All Saints falls on a Monday, it will not be a holy day of obligation. There will be a special Mass at 10:00 A.M. with the Blessing of the Cemetery immediately following the Mass.
All parishioners are encouraged to attend Confirmation on Monday, November 8 th . Archbishop Gregory Aymond will preside at the Confirmation. The Mass begins at 7:00 P.M.
In this year of the Eucharist and Saint Joseph, the regional Eucharistic Adoration for our area will be on Thursday, November 11 th at St. Joan of Arc in LaPlace, beginning at 7:00 P.M. Please refer to the flyer in today’s bulletin.