Today is Mission Sunday. This year’s theme is “Mission at the heart of Christian Faith.” In reflecting on Mission Sunday, Pope Francis said, “World Mission Day gathers us around the person of Jesus, the very first and greatest evangelizer,” who continually sends us forth to proclaim the Gospel of the love of God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. . .The church is missionary by nature; otherwise, she would no longer be the church of Christ.”
On Mission Sunday we are called to pray for the missionaries throughout the world, to pray for those that serve and to offer our financial support in the second collection to support the missionary work of the church.
The second collection this weekend is for the support of the Church’s missionary efforts, bringing the Gospel of Jesus to the world.
St. Peter’s Fishermen’s Festival is this weekend. Come on over to St. Peter School and have a wonderful time listening to music, eating, and other entertainment will be available. There are many things to do at the festival. It is truly a family-festival.
The Solemnity of All Saints is fast approaching. It is a holy day obligation. Vigil Mass on Tuesday, October 31st will be a 5:00 P.M. Mass on Wednesday November 1st will be at 6:30 A.M.; 10:00 A.M., followed by the Blessing of the Cemetery, and 7:00 P.M. Gumbo will be available at the school cafeteria starting at 11:00 A.M. More details will follow.
Have a Blessed Week!