Living as a disciple of Jesus is a daunting task. Jesus challenges us and the way we live our lives. The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us that the “the word of God is living and effective, able to discern reflections and thoughts from the heart. We pray that God’s word will continue to be planted deep within in our hearts, leading us along the road to conversion. As the young man in today’s Gospel approached Jesus, let us approach the Lord with our joys and sorrows, our accomplishments, and disappointments. Take some time this week to allow God’s word to penetrate your heart.
The St. Peter School Fest has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 24th. Please mark your calendars and come out and support the school fest. This is the major fundraising event for the school.
First Reconciliation Parent Seminar will be on Monday, October 25th in St. Peter Church. The meeting will last approximately one (1) hour, beginning at 7:00 P.M. At least one parent/guardian of children preparing for First Reconciliation needs to attend the meeting.