The month of October is rolling on. We are nearly half way through the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother, Mary. The Rosary Procession takes place on Sunday, immediately following the 8:00 A.M. Mass. For those parishioners unable to walk in the procession, the Rosary will be prayed in the church. All parishioners, family, and friends are invited to participate in the Rosary procession, either walking in the procession, or praying the Rosary in church.
The First Reconciliation Parent Meeting will be on Monday, October 14 th at 7:00 P.M. in Church. At least one parent/guardian of students preparing for First Reconciliation needs to attend the meeting.
The Ladies Altar Society is being revamped. The Altar Society is an important ministry of St. Peter Parish. Dues are $10.00. All current members as well as new members are encouraged to be part of the Altar Society. You may drop off your dues at the rectory or place the dues in an enveloped marked “Altar Society Dues” in the collection basket.
Next week is World Mission Sunday. We are called through our baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts, through prayer, self-sacrifice, and support of missionary vocations through material aid. Next weekend, the second collection will be for World Mission Sunday.