Today, Sunday, September 25th is FAMILY DAY in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. This year, the theme for Family Day is “Rise to the Occasion.” To “Rise to the Occasion” means to take responsibility for what is right in front of us. Like a small amount of yeast in a huge mass of flour, we make the whole dough rise and reach its full potential. We “rise to the occasion” when we encourage each member of our family to be the person God calls them to be. We “rise to the occasion” when we contribute to our church parish’s life that needs our presence and participation.
I invite all parishioners and friends of St. Peter Parish to join me in our Family Day Picnic following the 11:00 A.M. Mass. There will be hotdogs, hamburgers, fries, drinks at no cost to you. Please bring a dessert to share with your St. Peter Family.
The special second collection this weekend will be for the new air conditioning unit. I ask for your generosity.
As we approach the Feast Day of St. Francis Assisi, the Blessing of Pets will take place on Sunday, October 2nd at 10:00 A.M. behind Church near the Veterans’ Flagpole.
St. Peter Parish will be hosting Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother Bible Study in the Lacour Center beginning on Wednesday, October 12 th at 6:00 P.M. The cost is $30.00 for the workbooks. Registration sheets are available at all the entrances to the church.
The second collection next weekend will be for the Building Maintenance Fund