Dear Parishioners;
Today’s readings urge us to examine our priorities, and our commitment to learn and to live in the manner of Jesus. The Gospel story of the laborers in the vineyard is more about the landowner than the laborers. This parable is about God’s generosity. Daily workers didn’t apply for jobs, they were chosen by the owner. The first hires received what was agreed upon. Those hired later in the day were the poor—society’s unchosen. This landowner decided simply to be generous with them.
Thank you for your support of last week’s collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC). Your support will help the CCC connect millions of people with Christ and spread the gospel message.
The second collection this weekend is for the church roof. I ask for your continued generosity.
Today, at the 11:00 A.M., Mass our Phase III Confirmation candidates will celebrate the Rite of Naming/Election. This is the last step before the celebration of Confirmation. I ask that you keep these young women and men in your prayers as they continue to listen to the Holy Spirit guiding their life choices.
In observance of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Blessing of Pets/Animals will be on Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 10:00 A.M., behind church, near the Veterans’ Flag Pole. All pets are welcomed.
The weekend of October 7th and 8th, we will have a special collection for the victims of Hurricane Irma. The monies collected in the Archdiocese of New Orleans will be sent to the bishops of Florida. Once again, I ask for your generosity. Let us pray that the tropics can become quieter the remainder of the hurricane season.
Have a Blessed Week!