Today, we think about the best way to live out God’s commandments, passed on to us through Moses, by witnessing God’s blessings and presence in our midst. We can go beyond our human traditions and rituals by washing our hearts and getting rid of evil thoughts and desires. We practice it by caring for all who are vulnerable and in need.
It’s Labor Day weekend and a time traditionally associated with the beginning of school. My how times have changed. School has been in session for three weeks now.
The second collection this weekend is for the Building-Maintenance Fund. I ask for your continued support of this collection to keep our aging buildings in tip-top shape.
Welcome meeting for Confirmation Phases, I, II, and III will be after the 11:00 A.M. Mass on
Sunday, September 9th. A parent/guardian is required to attend this meeting. If you have not received a registration packet or need to register your son/daughter for Confirmation preparation, please contact Ms. Mary Kay Vicknair at
[email protected] as soon as possible. All students entering the 9
th grade and Phase I of the Confirmation Program need to register, this includes students attending a Catholic high school.
The newly established
Vocation Committee of St. Peter Parish will be introducing
The Traveling Vocation Crucifixover the next few weeks. Please read the information in the bulletin and on the website for further information.