The liturgies over the last several weeks have allowed us to journey with Jesus toward Jerusalem. The readings have been serious, urging us to put our priorities in order, to discipline our desires, to live Gospel values, and most of all, to pray. In today’s Gospel, we are given fair warning by Jesus that we should strive earnestly to enter the kingdom of God, and not simply assume a place will be reserved for us.
As I mentioned in my column last week, the Altr Society is seeking ladies to fulfill the leadership of the Altar Society. All the current officers are term limited. It was decided a few years ago that the officers will serve a two year term with the possibility of an additional two year term. I am asking current members of the Altar Society or new members to prayerfully consider being an officer in the Altar Society.
Any Catholic eighteen (18) years old or older who has not received the sacrament of Confirmation, now is your chance. Classes will be starting soon so that you can be prepared to be confirmed with the youth of the parish in November. Also, if you know of anyone who is interested in being a member of the Catholic Church, please give their name and contact information to the rectory.
The second collection next weekend will be for the Building-Maintenance Fund.