This week we take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection to reveal Christ’s love to our brothers and sisters in need. This collection helps six Catholic agencies to provide relief and support for struggling communities and to work for peace and reconciliation among our marginalized brothers and sisters here and around the world.
The second collection this weekend is for Catholic Relief Services.
Monday, August 15th is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Usually, this feast is a holy day of obligation, but since it falls on a Monday this year it is not a holy day of obligation. Mass will be at our usual time: 6:30 A.M.
Religious Education classes for elementary grades (1st -8 th) begins on Saturday, August 20th in the Lacour Center. It’s not too late to register your child(ren) for religious education (CCD) classes.
High School Religious Education Welcome Meeting will be on Sunday, August 21st following the 11:00 A.M. Mass. All students need to attend with at least one (1) parent.