Jesus outlines many of the ways in which His coming into the world will cause division, and not peace. He comes, as He says in today’s Gospel, to set the earth on fire—not to destroy it, but to emblaze it with the fullness of God’s love for us. Jesus’ mission was to challenge us to remain faithful to our merciful, loving, forgiving God.
The second collection this weekend is for the Church Roof.
Attention All Altar Society Members! Several weeks ago, the officers of the Altar Society put in the bulletin a plea for new leadership. The present officers have fulfilled their duties as officers and are termlimited. If you need more information about the roles of the Officers of the Altar Society, please contact me or one of the out-going officers.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) will begin in September. If you know anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic, please call the rectory and leave the office your contact information. Also, if you are a Catholic who has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation and would like to be confirmed, please call and give your contact information to the church office.
Any boy or girl in the third (3 rd ) grade or higher who is interested in becoming an Altar Server, I ask that your parents fill out the registration form that is found in today’s bulletin. Training of all altar servers will take place in a few weeks.