Do we have the courage to place our trust in the Lord? Peter thought that he had courage when Jesus invited him to step out of the boat as it was being tossed on the waves during a violent storm. Peter became frightened and started to sink. He began to doubt himself. He cried out to Jesus and was saved. When the wind picks up and the waters rage around us in the storms of life, we easily begin to doubt. In these moments of weakness, Jesus reaches out to us, providing the grace for us to continue—not through our own abilities, but through the strength of Christ. Courage is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let us rely on the gift of Courage during our “storms of life,” and know that Jesus reaches out to us to help us.
Saturday, August 15 th is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. This year, since the Assumption falls on a Saturday, it is not a holy day of obligation. There will be a Mass at 8:00 A.M. for parishioners wishing to celebrate the feast.
Also, on Saturday, August 15 is First Communion. It was postponed from its original date in May. The special Mass will be at 10:00 A.M.
Parents/guardians of students attending St. Peter’s Parish School of Religion (CCD) are reminded of a special meeting on Saturday, August 22 nd . The elementary grade level (1-8) meeting will begin at 9:30 A.M. The high school grade level meeting will begin at 10:30 A.M. Both meetings will be in St. Peter Church.
The second collection next weekend, August 15th -16th, will be for the Church Roof.