Dear Parishioners;
The responsorial psalm today is the familiar and popular Psalm 23, “
The Lord is my shepherd.” It describes what the Lord does for us. The Lord refreshes our souls, guides us on the right way, furnishes comfort and safety in challenging times, gives us sustenance to overflowing, and promises a dwelling place forever. Truly, the Lord provides all that we need.
The second collection this weekend is for the Church roof. I ask for your continued generosity. Thanks to everyone who participated in the 134
th annual Black and Indian Mission Collection last weekend. Your prayerful and financial support enables people to come to know Jesus in African American, Native American, and Alaska Native communities all over the U.S.A.
A farewell reception for Sister Mary Joel, O.P. will be on Monday, July 23
rd in Rosaryville, beginning at 6:00 P.M. Light refreshments will be served. As I mentioned last week, Sister Mary Joel, spent nine years in Reserve and has a special place in her heart for St. Peter Parish. She will be moving to the Kentucky Dominican Motherhouse in early August. We wish her well and God’s blessings as she begins her next journey of life in Kentucky.
Summer vacation is coming to an end soon. School will be opening very soon.
Have a Blessed Summer week!