Today, our parish along with all Catholic churches in the U.S., will take up the 134 th annual National Black and Indian Mission Collection. The support of this collection helps build the Church in African American, Native American, and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast. Schools, parish religious education programs, and diocesan ministries depend on the support of us all to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The second collection this weekend will be for the Black and Indian Mission Collection.
Before you know it, school will be back in session. Registration for the Parish School of Religion (CCD) will be on Saturday, August 3 rd in the Lacour Center. This year, St. Hubert’s religious education program will merge with St. Peter’s. Students not attending a Catholic school must register for religious education classes. Classes are held on Saturdays from 8:30 A.M.-10:00 A.M. More information will be forthcoming.
Next weekend, July 27 th and July 28 th , a representative from the Diocese of Yendi, Ghana will speak at all the Masses. A second collection will be taken up at all Masses for the missionary needs of the Diocese of Yendi, Ghana.