As we celebrate the Fourteenth (14th) Sunday in Ordinary Time, this weekend is also the Fourth of July holiday. Our celebration of our nation’s independence will be a little different this year because of COVID-19, but that should not deter us from reflecting on the freedom that is ours because of our “founding fathers and mothers.”
Jesus addresses us with comforting words today, “Come to me all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest”. [Matthew 11:28]. With all that our country and world has endured over the past several months, these words are very comforting. As we gather for Mass on this holiday weekend, let us rejoice in the freedom Jesus offers us from our heavy burdens.
The second collection this weekend is for the Building Maintenance Fund.
Have a Happy 4 th of July weekend. Remember be safe…practice social distancing and please wear a mask!