HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! To all of our Dads, may you share God’s greatest gift in your life—your children. May you have the most relaxing, enjoyable day with those you love. I will remember all Dads today in my prayers at Mass and there will be a special blessing for all fathers after Communion.
Remember, the Father’s Day Bake Sale is happening this weekend at all the Masses, under the portico.
As we return to Ordinary Time on Sundays, in today’s Gospel, Jesus shares His mission to proclaim the kingdom with His disciples. The signs of the kingdom’s presence consist of the work that Jesus has already been doing: the sick are cured, lepers are cleansed, demons are driven out, and the dead are raised to life. The disciples are sent to continue doing the work that Jesus has begun. This is a moment of transition in Matthew’s Gospel. The focus has shifted from the ministry of Jesus to the work of the community that He has inaugurated. More than any other Gospel, Matthew’s Gospel elaborates on the work of the Church, which is to continue after Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Each year, every Church parish participates in the missionary activity of the Universal Church. There are three goals of the Missionary Cooperative Plan: 1) to educate the people of the Archdiocese regarding the missionary work of Christ, 2) to solicit prayers and financial support for the missionaries, and 3) to harmonize missionary efforts and guarantee a fair distribution of aid.
Next weekend, June 24th and 25th, St. Peter Parish will welcome Father Roberto Sanchez, a priest from the Diocese of Virac, Philippines. He will share with us the missionary needs of his diocese.
I will be on vacation Sunday afternoon, June 25th through Friday, June 30th. There will be no 6:30 A.M. Mass that week.